Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I'm Blessed...

Ya allah..

lama btul rasenyer blog ni x diupdate.. mode tuk berblog dah x seghairah dlu.. hehehe
tp aku still blogwalking tgk n baca blog2 rkn2..
seronok bile baca blog rakan..
tentang holiday, anak2..
semuanyer sgt BLESS..
pada ain.. jaga sofea elok2.. insyaallah nnt dia akan ok.. jgn selalu sedih2.. happy2 kan comel
to faten, congrats dear... can see how much u happy..

so lately i'm bit down.. lot n lots happens to me..
my healthy, so bad.. didn't know what happened to me.. tp aku asyik pening kepala.. asyik nak muntah, hilang keseimbangan... but, i'm not pregnant.. if pregnant, x kesah sgt tp its NEGATIVE..

makan kena ikut time.. klu terlapar cket.. mula la badan masuk angin.. pastu terus la headache, mual.. semua tu sgt sakit k.. nak main2 dgn anak2 pun x dapat.. sian my princes n prince..

then, something came out.. i made a mistake.. even i admit n ask for forgiveness, its not enough..
now, i'm realize.. sometimes what we think its just a small thing.. but for other, it was very serious n cannot be forgiven easily...

well.. we know that we only can plan.. semuanya Allah dah tentukan.. if this happened, there must be something He already write for us rite.. now, im bit calm n rally hope it will settle it someday soon or later... :)

owh... Mr Hanan pun sibuk sgt kerja sekarang.. kesian sgt dia.. masuk kerja kul 8 pg, balik kerja kul 12mlm or 1 am.. sian sgt..
tp dah kerja dia kan.. terima je la.. just hope it worth it la.. hehehehe

Mothers Day???
that day Mr Hanan kerja.. i didn't expect anything from him sbb kami x pernah pun celebrate something like that.. tp suprisedly bile aku bgn tdo that day.. masuk je dapur tgk ada box with card.. "Happy Mothers Day"

the card say:

when i look at all we have
a happy home and a great family life
i realize
how much i have to thank you for...

you do such a good job
being a MUM
and u still
have time for me, too...

you're someone i'm lucky to call
not only my wife,
but also my friend....

thank you for everything
with all my love..

sweet kan wording card tu.. even thought bukan Hanan yg tulis, tp itulah sebenarnya luahan hati dia.. hikhik
perasan kejap... lepas baca kad tu.. terus la emosi.. teresak2 nangis.. ngade2 tul kan..

on the next week nyer is my anniversary..
x la sgt.. just tinggalkan anak kat umah mak jap.. sbb nak p tgk FAST 5.. terbaeeeeeekkk..
mmg rugi la klu x tgk...

well... im feeling so blessed now.. really hope nothing will take this for me..
i hv 2 children that understand my situation even they still little.. Mommy love u so much..
nnt la plak citer psl my littles.. dah start sakit kepala dah ni... :))

4 membebel:

dakcik said...

ala siannya anne..u kene byk rest..jgn byk kite nie mesti nk kene pk kan? name la pempuan..huhu

anyway, TQ anne..ain akn cube jd kuat..tgk sofea semakin sembuh..wpun masih gatal2 lg..TQ eh =) really appreciate that..

get well soon dear..jgn stress sgt..=)

-Sara- said...

anne, nape leh jd cmtu? mesti sbb anne diet yg series? anne xyah diet2 dah k, skang dh maintain ok la tu..jage diri elok2 care :)

happy2 je k! ;)

Madamme Anne said...

ain.. hurmmm.. mmg nak rest sgt.. tp dgn keadaan hanan yg kerja mcm skang.. terpaksa la hold on gak..
btw.. thanks..

Madamme Anne said...

tq.. anne mmg da mls dah nak diet.. klu kurus tp sakit x best gak.. ehehehe

sara take care.. jaga kandungan tu elok2.. :))